Citeline trial

We highly encourage you adopt a modern browser before proceeding. Click here. Moderna plans to enroll this study in two parts, staggering the recruitment of three different age groups. The first age group will start in children between the ages of 6 years to less than 12 years old.

The second age group, recruiting later on, will be for children between the ages of 2 years to less than 6 years old. Finally, the third, and last group to start, will be for children ages 6 months to less than 2 years old.

Participation in the KidCOVE Study lasts approximately 14 months and includes phone calls, telemedicine visits, and up to seven visits to the study site. Your child will be given two injections in the upper arm — about 28 days apart. Your child has a chance of receiving either the mRNA study vaccine or the placebo.

The Eclipse Trial is evaluating the safety and immune response of an investigational vaccine, called mRNA, that may protect against mono. Participation in the Eclipse Trial lasts approximately 18 months, including a day screening period, a six-month dosing period, and up to 11 months of follow-up observation. Each year in the United States, there are approximately cases of mono per , persons.

Mono disproportionately affects adolescents and young adults from 15 to 24 years of age. There are currently no approved vaccines to protect against EBV and mono. Participation in the Eclipse Clinical Trial lasts approximately 18 months and includes phone calls, telemedicine visits, and up to fifteen visits to the study site. In order to participate, participants will need to go to one of the clinical research sites taking part in this clinical trial.

Sites are located in:. You will need to travel to one of the study clinics taking part in this clinical trial. Infectious mononucleosis IM , commonly known as mono, is an infection that presents with fever, fatigue, sore throat, and enlarged lymph nodes, and can result in prolonged symptoms as well as hospitalization.

These agencies will be granted direct access to your information. If you share your personal data to contact a site, that data will be used by Citeline Connect to contact you about clinical trials and related information. Citeline Connect Phone Concierge. This trial is not actively recruiting. Estimated Enrollment Participants. Participants must not: Have previously received a COVID vaccine Have participated in a clinical trial or received an investigational product within the last 30 days Have a current active illness ex.

Fever, chills, cough, headache, etc. Have plans to receive any type of vaccine ex. Flu vaccine within the next month. Engage and educate patients around clinical trials.

Pre-screen and direct qualified participants to sites. Build and communicate with your trial community. VAT GB Engage and educate patients around your clinical trials. Empower prospective participants to quickly assess their eligibility online. Once qualified, their contact information is directly passed to the right person at the right study site, creating a seamless experience that prevents delays and increases enrollment success.

Allow participants and the general public to subscribe to a HIPAA-compliant communications list, enabling you to send trial-specific and community-wide notifications via email. Build and communicate with your clinical trial community. Citeline Connect is built on an industry-first patient referral collective. We use data, technology, and teamwork to better connect sponsors with over 75 diverse and pre-vetted recruitment partners to simultaneously find, refer and screen highly qualified trial participants.


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