I can see that bruce and freddie are a service pack behind. To ensure all systems are operating on the same OS level, I need to download the latest service pack. Next step is to run the download playbook. The playbook is going to perform the following tasks:.
As you can see from this example, Ansible provides a lot of value in automating AIX operations. For additional information, see the documentation for the supported Collection available from Automation Hub. This Collection is also available to the community from Ansible Galaxy. RSS Feed. Toggle navigation.
Overview Why Ansible? Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Leverage powerful automation across entire IT teams no matter where you are in your automation journey. Overview Pricing. Consulting for Ansible Adopt and integrate Ansible to create and standardize centralized automation practices.
These were based off Recently I created Install sequence in a bundle. Hi all. I'm wondering if there's a install sequence in a HPUX bundle? I'm trying to put many depots together into 1 single bundle, and use HPUX ignite to install this bundle. But I have to make sure one of the depot is last installed. I feel that if there're many different packages in a bundle, Hi, Below is the scneario a.
EX:A zip folder has to be created ,lets say Hello, I am working on patching several systems and have begun working with smpatch as a possibly quicker way to accomplish patching.
I have some observations that trouble me. The "smpatch analyze" only shows a small number of patches for a system yes the registration is complete with a The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. What commands are used to install software on AIX? Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. Active 1 year, 3 months ago. Viewed 21k times. What commands can be used to install the different types of packaging? Improve this question. Can anyone help me find an.
Shell Programming and Scripting. Install multi-media codecs. Having difficulties installing multi-media codecs. First from software mgr. Got a pop-up menu"mintinstall. Went to terminal and this was the result: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0. Solaris Live Media x86 Install. Booted it. It dropped me at a command line. Is it working properly? I've inherited an openserver 5. I'm hoping someone has the installation media for 5. I forgot a bundle X What do I have to do?
Install update 6 on solaris with update 3.