They are nomadic in nature and travel from place to place. Driver ants do travel in large groups and attack on whatever comes in their way. These ants are clever in nature. Driver Ant Characteristics. Soldier: 15 millimeters Minion driver: 5 millimeters Queen: 5 centimeters. Driver Ant Facts. One colony of Driver ants may have 22 Million members at a time.
These are considered the largest of all ant species. Driver Ants can both bit and sting but they prefer bite instead of the sting. Where Do Driver Ant Live. As discussed earlier, they are nomadic in nature and travel from place to place.
What Do Driver Ants Eat. Are Driver ants are carnivores, they eat almost every insect, mammal and bird they found. Driver Ant Lifespan. Driver ants live from a few weeks to several years. Driver Ant Bite Treatment.
There are five subspecies of tiger Panthera tigris living from India through to Indonesia and up to eastern Russia. Living in a diversity of habitats, tigers occur in the rainforests of India, South East Asia and Indonesia, and all of the subspecies are threatened by hunting and habitat loss.
Tiger numbers are decreasing and have been reduced from up to , cats in the s to only 3, free roaming individuals today. Within this time, the Bali P. The fragmented populations that do exist means that local extinctions of each population can happen very quickly and easily if hunting and habitat loss are not strictly and efficiently controlled.
To take action, you can head over to Panthera. The crocodilians are a top predator in all tropical rainforests. There are 23 species of living crocodilians and to give examples of the dominant species, in Africa lives the Nile crocodiles Crocodylus niloticus , in Australia and the Indopacific realm live the saltwater crocodiles Crocodylus porosus , and in the Amazon lives the black caiman Melanosuchus niger , which are in the alligator family.
These species are all of a similar size and grow to about 5 meters in length, but saltwater crocodiles of over 7 meters were not unheard of. Saltwater crocodiles do have a high tolerance for saltwater accounting for their range from Sri Lanka, through Indonesia, to the city of Mackay, which is about midway up eastern Australia.
Contrary to popular belief, which can prove life saving, saltwater crocodiles are commonly found in freshwater habitat. The smallest species and juveniles feed on insects and small fish, and as size increases with species and with age, they take fish, reptiles and even mammals, such as large buffalo and young hippos.
Some crocodilians have more specific diets whereas others seem to consume any manageable animal. Ants are very abundant in rainforests and particularly abundant in the rainforest canopies. Here, many ants farm different insects for their sugary secretions the adults consume. The body then gets torn off, leaving the jaws holding the wound closed.
This will actually hold for several days, allowing the wound to begin to heal. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Further, the majority of the species of this genus reside in extremely arid regions.
Unlike the majority of ants, however, it does not reside in permanent ant hills. Vegetation Good luck finding two identical tree species in any one acre of African rainforest. This sea of dense vegetation is a botanist's dream. With an estimated 8, plant species, this region ranks second in vegetation variety only to South Africa's legendary Cape floral kingdom.
Scientists have identified just 10 percent of the plants living in the Congo rainforests. Rainforest inhabitants profit from this wealth: bark can be used for cloth or rope; leaves for dinner plates or roofs. In the last century, oil palm plantations devoured huge tracts of rainforest.
The palm is used for making goods ranging from iron plates and lubricating grease to chocolate, candles and soap. The first oil palm plantations were developed in Ghana in Thanks to biotechnology and the use of the West African weevil-beetle for pollination, Malaysia and Indonesia have since wrested domination of the world palm oil market away from West Africa.
Mahogany is one of the most commercially popular woods from the African rainforest. Its texture is not as refined as American mahogany, but it is a highly valued wood for furniture, staircases, boat building and house paneling and flooring. Its coarser grain makes it resistant to termites. Rainforest tribes use mahogany bark to treat colds; oil from its seed can also be used to kill insects.