Game guy naked

Gotta love that guy with the golden visor on his head. I'll bet that's where he gets his power from. So in this game, they return to their roots with another side-scrolling shooter. What's great is, in addition to your own hilarious characters, you can tell there's all sorts of lovely things going on in the background. Take this for example. Had I not pointed it out to you, you might have missed the naked guy sprawled out in a flower patch.

Aren't you glad you've got me as a tour guide who will leave no stone unturned? Please, save your thanks for later. Ok, now right here is the reason that I must play this game. Not only do they have a green muscle guy turned upside-down while another guy rides him like a pogo-stick, but they have a huge Japanese guy who I mean seriously, what in the hell is going on with his crotch?

You wouldn't believe what his big attack is. Ok, well, maybe at this point you would. And lookee here, it appears as though you have to fight a cheerleader pyramid later on in the game. Well, it's not really cheerleaders, it's just a bunch of Japanese guys in speedos It's also nice to see that the character you play as is completely naked. Always a great selling point for a game.

I'm with you kid, I'm with you. It's kind of amazing that they'd make one of these games for a powerful system like the PS Playing these games on any system is an insult to the system itself even if there was an Atari Jaguar version of Cho Aniki.

Still, I can't help but feel like if you own a system that one of these games exists for, your game collection will never be complete without owning at least one Cho Aniki game.

Just imagine having some friends over and telling them you got this awesome new game from Japan. They wouldn't even have time to prepare for the onslaught of blatant flashy-speedo imagery that all of these games provide. Good times I tell you, good times indeed.

Anyway, from the look of the box it at least looks like it's a semi-professionally made PS2 game. The weird thing about this one though, is you don't play as Samson or his "friend" Adon , you play as the Holy Protein. I'm sure that's just a fancy name for "sperm" in Japan. But yeah, you're just this little glob of protein that can shoot at its enemies. Still, Samson and Adon are always at your side, helping you fight the good fight.

Now what in the hell is going on here? I'm not sure, but it looks like they might be bowling in space with the sperm, er protein, on a long track of naked men. At this point, is anything even shocking anymore? You have my vote, Amy. This silly arguing is nonsensical.

What did it accomplish? Interesting, I am an 83 YO white male born a Texan and lived here all my life. What side should I take? I believe in science, medicine, social consciousness and religious freedom among other things. I believe it is acceptable to use science and medicine to modify flaws in our bodies to allow us to better function in a modern world. Be that correcting a damaged physiology to give us a better chance at surviving what god gave us to start with.

Same is true in reference to our psychological view of self. God gave man the opportunity to learn mostly by using science as a tool how to make adjustments to our bodies to give us a better self-esteem. It should be no more of a wrong to use surgery to modify our outward appearance of maleness or femaleness than it is to use that same surgery to correct the ability to conceive or not to conceive. Or for that matter to do breast augmentation or tummy tucks or whatever.

We are told that God charged us not to judge our fellows here on earth. I believe that this rule was to tell humanity that the final decision on right and wrong will only be made by the supreme judge, that is God. And the promulgator of that non-judgment rule created the failure to follow that tenet as a sin to be judged against by that same God.

There was no room given for anyone to have the right of judgment instead of God. For the rest of us as we approach our mortality and after-death results must face the same risk. Or would he usher in a revolution changing the rules of professional sports that would HAVE to allow both genders to participate? I submit that as long as biological physical reality, i. The gray area between biology and social identification has been effectively eliminated.

There can no longer be sexual segregation, with the exception of procreation and medical identification. Amy Schneider is a woman, with regard to personal, social, professional and interpersonal connectivity, but Amy is not a true biological female, that is correct. The real core of the issue transgenderism represents is whether or not a person who actually believes they are not living in a physical body that reflects their true gender as perceived by they themselves , should be allowed to force everyone else to disregard any advantages or benefits they may receive, if they decide to change their gender, which should only apply to those based on true biological identification.

Professional sports are just one example of this. A castrated bull is commonly referred to as a steer. Your trillions of cells that identify you sex cannot be changed. He is a woman-wannabe. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How did she he know she was going to get them wrong Reply.

I love orange sherbet myself. And I love it too. It was my favourite as a kid. How do you know that is the actual Derek? Just because it says so???? Wholeheartedly agree. What a joke. Only a hater like yourself could make such a ridiculous statement. Shame on you. Have to agree.

This is the Charles VanDoren of our age. Agree Reply. I agree Reply. Who cares Reply. Your loss! Fabulous One brilliant woman Reply. And how will God deal with persons who are judgmental and have a closed mind? Excellent comeback! Love the sinner, but hate the sin. Judge not lest ye be judged! Can I identify as a 10 year old Giraffe and avoid paying taxes?

Christos is a fricking anti semite demopedo!! Oh please! Your ignorance is showing…big time. Hope your old and dying off. Are you mayor Bowwowser??

I personally am disgusted that he is referred to as a woman. You are a total idiot Reply. You gave yourself away by your label…God4Trump….. Yes, IT is a man. Regards, Susan Reply. Right on! Maybe a bit of gender dysphoria. Why question it?

Indeed… Reply. Has nothing to do with gender. Everything to do with self esteem Reply. Yr disturbing. Amen to that, Nettie! Beautifully stated.

Still a malcontent, Wally. That will never change. Another moron speaks! Ed, why is that so interesting? He is sick and should seek therapy. Other sick people should quit enabling him. I know he is a man. Terry understands. We need Austin Powers advice here. Go do something worthwhile… Reply.

I absolutely agree. I wrote a letter to Jeopardy telling them it was cruel to pretend otherwise Reply. Congratulations Amy! You are the greatest hit of my day. Many people are rooting for you!

Diane Reply. Congrats to Amy and glad for her success in life. Born a man, still a man no matter the makeup Reply.

Needless to say, Dave Mirra wasn't pleased and sued Acclaim to get his name taken off the title. At first glance, Bayonetta doesn't look any less dressed than your typical female video game protagonist: skin-tight suit, a little cleavage, some back showing - that's downright puritanical compared to some. Then, as you play, you realize something: Bayonetta's not wearing clothes. She's covering her skin with her hair. This is made perfectly obvious when Bayonetta pulls off some of her most devastating attacks.

Her flowing locks leap into action, growing and writhing until they turn into a massive hair demon. Bayonetta then stands in a suitably fashionable pose as her naughty bits are covered just so while said hair demon goes to town on whatever abomination that needs to be destroyed.

Apparently, this works even when Bayonetta gives herself a shorter pixie cut, though it's best not to think about how all of it works. The Metal Gear Solid series has been springing unexpected nudity on gamers for years - Snake's first 3D outing slipped in a pixelated butt, as the unfortunate Johnny Sasaki was stripped of his clothes by an escaping Meryl Silverburg.

Metal Gear Solid 2 increased the naked stakes in a big well, average way by making an unclothed Raiden playable for a small portion of Sons of Liberty.

After the conclusion of the Big Shell portion of Raiden's campaign, the white-haired hero finds himself captured and stripped of all items and clothing, save for a pair of dogtags. After he's mysteriously freed from his restraints - he can hop back onto his shackles where foreground items tastefully cover his privates - Raiden now has to sneak by a few guards while in the nude.

Even though he can't free his arms to handle any weaponry, the soldier's acrobatic moves aren't hindered one bit. For mastering the ability to cover his junk while doing a jumping cartwheel, Raiden's brief foray into nudity is commendable.

In the first of three nudity-driven games by developer Mystique, you play as a pair relatively normal-looking females the 'Eaters' , both of whom are unclothed.

It's a sort of perverted take on Kaboom. This '80s title is notable in that it's the only game yet made where you control multiple nude characters simultaneously. However, you have to imagine that there was at least one meeting where Mystique's developers debated whether you should, instead, play as the 'Beater' of Beat Em and Eat Em; a character who doesn't appear to be more than a head, torso, arms and a penis far larger than any other part of his uncovered half-body.

In the end, an agreement was likely reached to make everyone nude, so that anyone playing is guaranteed to control at least one naked character. You are, however, able to command them during separate shower scenes before the two meet up.

They both shower! They have so much in common! As the game opens on Ethan's then-ideal life, among the first activities you perform is drying all of Mars' moons after his morning shower.

Shortly after that is a similar scene featuring Madison, though this one's inclusion is up for debate. Yes, you're able to turn off the shower as she stands naked under the water, but since the scene is later revealed to be a dream sequence, it's debatable whether you control her true, nude form.

At least that explains why she's not using soap. Geez, David Cage certainly has a thing for shower sequences, huh? I guess nothing else gets you into the mind of a character quite like slowly moving your hand across a couple of knobs and quietly standing under some falling water for a few seconds.

Understand Ellen Page's plight as her water heater shuts off far too soon. Feel Emotion as she realizes she needs to pick up more conditioner from the store. Sorry, I'm actually a bit speechless. Joe : This is the body I see for myself when I close my eyes. Is that weird? I'm a confident young man, is I guess what I'm saying. Jess : This is like, standard video game hunk, right? Rugged with lots of manly accessories.

I guess I'm into it, except for that '90s belt buckle. Matt : Nathan looks like the kind of guy who could take me on a rugged hike, protect me from a charging bear, but also totally pull off a cute scarf. That kind of guy. He also has very nice stubble. Sarah : Beautiful green eyes and a pretty face? Nothing to hate about that at all. Is it weird I think his name is also super hot?

She will be my wife and I will try to make her happy every day. Matt : Wei Shen seems like the kind of guy who can defend me with his bare hands. Just like, beat the shit out of someone with his bare-ass hands. Joe : Wei Shen dresses really well, and that's very important in my book.

He's got the whole uptown-downtown thing going and then you throw in those cheekbones? I mean, he's a total pretty boy. Probably gets his hair bleached. Cares a lot about jewelry selection. I feel like we'd have a lot to talk about. Sarah : He has some very feminine features going on. Long blond hair, dreamy eyes, a beanie, and necklace!? Snow could probably do without the chin pubes, though.

That's where I guess I've got him beat. Matt : Geralt is pretty hot, if you're into the whole silver-fox vibe. But, not gonna lie, I would run my fingers through his silvery blond hair once or twice. Sarah : This guy is straight-up scary, and also a bit past the "older hot guy" category. Maybe I would be into him, if only I weren't so scared of him.


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