Using a bonfit manual

I wish we could know what sort of information they discovered after polling their customers — what sort of people were they?

The instructional book includes diagrams and lists of all the pieces that come with each part of the kit, since you ordered them as individual units. The skirt patterner includes multiple sizes in a single unit. This diverges from the bodice patterner, which comes in S, M or L and is so labeled on the receipt and boxes I have all three sizes.

The patterners do not include seam allowance. There is a video on Youtube by Shirley Adams showing how she uses the skirt patterner. The video for the pants patterner is available on Youtube. This unit comes in S, M or L sizes. I have not yet opened it to determine the dimensional sizes included in each lettered size. Please do not use these images without express permission of the author of this blog. I am currently a graduate student of historical fashion and textile conservation.

For the past decade I have lectured on, designed, and built costumes for theatre. View all posts by Alyssa. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. The other columns show prior results Note that, if you change filters, then the Leq integration re-starts from the moment the filter was changed.

AudioTool stores up to 5, Leq measurements internally starting from every time the app is started. The measurements can be saved to an AudioTool. The stored file can be opened in a text editor, and imported into e.

Here is an extract from an Leq file:. The time history of SPL readings is shown: the chart recorder "pen" at the right hand side of the screen draws the latest value. The axis is labelled in seconds in the past. At most 10, SPL readings are stored, corresponding to a few minutes of history this value varies from one Android device to another.

The chart data can be stored using the Store button, if so desired. Note the use of the cursors in the example below. The grey text at the bottom left of the chart indicates the current length of the buffer, in seconds. In this mode, AudioTool keeps track of the peak dB values at all measured frequencies.

This is useful for e. To make such a measurement, set the RTA mode to Peak Store see the screenshot below , and then go to the Generator, select either Sweep or Log Sweep, configure the frequency range you desire, then start the Generator running. Return to the Analyzer, and watch the peaks set as the Generator sweeps across the frequencies you specified.

In this way, the frequency response of the system may be measured. To reset the peak dB values, stop the data collection by pressing the "Running" button, and press it again to set the peaks to zero and start a new measurement. You can store a Peak Store measurement into a file, by using the "Store" button. To compare a previous measurement with the current, use the Load button to select the previously stored measurement file.

In the screenshot above, a previously made measurement called "ambient" is being compared. The choice is made via the Menu:.

Choosing "Set Lin Hz" menu option will change to the linear scale. The frequency limits for the Hz scale can be adjusted, using the menu option "Set Freq Scale". The following dialog will appear:. In the example screenshot above, the user has set limits of 20Hz to 10kHz.

Note that you can set the scale limits back to their default values by tapping the "Use Default" button. Here is what the linear scale looks like:. You can similarly adjust the dB Scale limits, via the Menu. The "Set dB Scale" Menu option also allows you to specify the increment between scale lines default is 15dB :. Note that the Hz scale limits, and the dB scale limits and increment, are saved by AudioTool when the user terminates the app: they are restored when the user restarts AudioTool.

By dragging your finger up and down the screen, the dB centre line is adjusted. By dragging your finger left and right, the frequency centre line is adjusted not in Chart Recorder. By pinching with two fingers inwards or outwards upwards, the dB scale is adjusted. By pinching inwards or outwards left and right, the frequency scale is adjusted.

Scroll and Pinch of the scales in this way is disabled when the Cursors are visible. Again, note that you can set the scale limits back to their default values by tapping the "Use Default" button.

There are two independent methods of Calibration provided with AudioTool. You can select which method to use in the Menu.

The first is a "single value" method where you can enter a single number to offset the broadband SPL measurement so that it matches an external SPL meter. This is useful for simplicity. In either case, to calibrate you will select "Calibrate" from the Menu. AudioTool will store and remember the calibration number s you enter, and will also remember whether you are using the single value or octave based method. The red disc shows the band currently being adjusted.

If you double tap on the left hand side of the screen, the selected disc moves to the left. If you double tap on the right side of the screen, it moves to the right. To adjust the selected band, place your finger anywhere on the screen and drag the up or down - the selected disc will move in unison, until you see the correction value you want. Take your finger off the screen when you have adjusted the disc, and then double tap to select the next band, and so on.

Your aim is probably to move the discs so as to obtain a flat response, and match the overall SPL to that of an external meter, or to correct for any odd peaks or troughs your Android phone may exhibit in its frequency response. When satisfied with the results, choose "Finish Calibration" from the Menu, and confirm whether you want to save the values. These values will be retained on your phone and will be loaded every time AudioTool starts. By default, the dB calibration values in each band are all 0dB.

You can apply a global offset to these values using the "Set Cal. The "Set Cal. Offset" option will bring up a dialog where you can enter the desired value:. Now, when calibrating, the dB levels in all bands will be offset by the amount you entered:.

You can adjust the levels in each band in the way described above. Remember to select "Finish Calibration" from the menu when you are done! These files have names like " For use in AudioTool, you will simply need to rename the file so that it has the. You can then select the "Load Cal" option from the Menu, and choose the Dayton file from the list. Please see the section above on "Global Offset".

To get agreement, you should adjust the Global Offset. Even then, if the internal audio circuitry on your device is not flat, your results will vary. If you are running AudioTool version 7. Save the modified version, and Load Cal it into AudioTool. Refer to the instructions above for Dayton files for further information. Rex has provided a handy Excel tool to assist in calibrating your Android device. This tool is now at version 2.

Rex says: "I have updated the Excel tool for preparing AudioTool calibration files. This allows it to work with files captured with FFT resolutions of , or even fine. It is also much faster! It can also be used for manual entry of microphone response factors. The process is essentially the same as that described in the first post except that microphone responses are managed on dedicated worksheets.

Once the microphone response has been loaded or entered, it can be sent to the Main sheet by clicking the Send to Main button. In this way, cal files for several different mics can be prepared for the same pink response.

I think this tool should be able to cope with at files produced by recent versions of AudioTool. Rex also provides an Excel tool for converting AudioTool.

It can then make a tab-delimited txt file that can be imported as a measurement by REW. The REW file may be made from either the Raw or Relative response as selected by the drop-down control. A target curve can be used as a visual guide when adjusting levels of an audio system to match a required shape, or for comparing a frequency response to a template, for examples. The target curve is shown as a red line across the screen in the RTA Octave modes.

It can be any shape you like: the default target curve is a straight line at 60dB SPL. Slide your finger up the screen to increase the dB level of the disc, and down the screen to decrease it. You will be prompted to either save the values, reset the values to flat, or cancel. The Target Curve values you save will be reloaded every time you restart AudioTool.

This allows you to save and load Target Curves that are used for different purposes. If you would like to create your own Target Curve files, this can be done using a text editor: create a file that has the following format:. AudioTool Target Curve Comment. Each row after the first has the frequency, followed by the Target Curve level in dB Target Curve files have a filetype of. You can measure room reverberation times in RT60 mode, selected using the RT60 button. If the Signal Generator is Off when RT60 mode is started, the system waits for a loud impulse signal, such as a clap to trigger the measurement.

This sound will energise the room, and how quickly the sound pressure falls off with time will be measured. The longer the sound takes to die away, the more reverberant is the room. After the clap is detected, the measurement starts. To do this, the data are passed through a bank of IIR octave filters centred on the desired frequencies. The results are displayed in tabular form, and may be exported to a file using the "Store" button.

RT60 measurement can also be made using the signals e. White Noise from the generator to energise the room. Also, they got customized to be able to handle different applications. Around , with the incorporation of multiple components, the liquid handler changed from just a system to transfer liquid from one place to the other to perform more complete experimental tasks.

Some of the example of available liquid handlers are the Janus liquid handler from PerkinElmer, the Microlab liquid handler from Hamilton, the BioMek Liquid handler from Beckman Coulter and the Sciclone from Zymark Corporation 3 , just to mention a few.

They are all great instruments. Just like anything else, the major companies are always been working on making liquid handlers even better than they are today. PerkinElmer is trying to use artificial intelligence to assist in different stages of the process so that the instrument can be controlled remotely. They want to streamline the process even more so that the person can walk away from the instrument and do everything remotely.

They also want the instrument to learn most of the protocol and eventually be able to so some problem solving in case something goes wrong with the protocol with the use of internet connectivity and artificial intelligence 2. When compared to manual pipetting, liquid handler provided many benefits. Some of the benefits include higher throughput, better reproducibility, less repetitive stress injuries to humans, more protection from hazardous or infectious sample 1.

There is a higher throughput because in comparison to manually pipetting a few samples per hour, the liquid handler can pipette hundreds to thousands of samples per hour. This in turn saves time and money. Also, since the instrument is program and calibrated often it can pipette very precise volumes eliminating human error at pipetting the wrong volume. Using a liquid handler provides more protection from hazardous or infectious sample because this is usually done in an enclosed system where the risk of splashing is very minimum.

When the samples are pipetted by hand, there is a higher risk of splashing of the hazardous or infectious material.


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